About 'Change As Challenge':

This blog was created in Feb. 09 as an extension of an art project focusing on my interest for nature, climate change and global warming.

Change As Challenge explores how today’s environment requires a new approach – an approach that is key to thriving amid change. The project requires an open-ended process of continuous development, dynamic & ever-changing - for new energy and new attention.
"Movement does not go from one point to another - rather it happens between two levels as in a difference of potential. A difference of intensity produces a phenomenon, releases or eject it, send it into space", Deleuze.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ignorance Is A Killer

(will translate into english soon)

De senere årene har antallet naturkatastrofer økt sterkt. Økosystemer er så hardt presset at de ikke lenger er motstandsdyktige overfor naturens egne svingninger. Menneskeskapte inngrep som for eksempel avskoging – bl.a. av kongo-bassengene og regnskogen i Amazonas, bidrar til å fjerne naturens egne reguleringsmekanismer. Dette skaper økt risiko for humanitære katastrofer.

Samtidig som regjeringen bruker 3 milliarder kroner på å bevare regnskogen, investerer Oljefondet nesten 9 milliarder i selskaper som raserer den. Dette sår i høy grad tvil om Norges regnskogsengasjement. Hvis Det er slik at Norge ønsker å være en seriøs aktør i det internasjonale arbeidet for regnskogbevaring, må Oljefondet slutte å investere i regnskogverstingene. Det virker nesten som om den norske stat ikke er klar over hva oljefondet blir brukt til (eller de forsøker å fortrenge det). Det å investere i noe som man egentlig er i mot, er jo litt selvmotsigende.

I Am Nature 
vs. kunst, økologi og etikk:
(I Am Nature er en serie sirkulære, ”linsebaserte” arbeider som tidligere er vist på Østfold kunstnersenter / ØKS i 2008 og Trygve Lie Gallery i New York i 2009. Tittelen er hentet fra Jackson Pollocks svar på Hans Hofmanns spørsmål “Do you work from nature?”. Pollock's svar var da “I am nature”. På ØKS brukte jeg ytterveggene som visningssted - et "døgnåpent" alternativ til "innegalleriet". Utstillingen besto av UV-behandlet inkjet print på aluminiumssirkler. På Trygve Lie Gallery besto utstillingen av C-prints som var fjesmontert på plexiglass, med aluminium backing.)
Jeg ønsker å videreutvikle ”I Am Nature” innenfor et nytt prosjekt som kombinerer kunst, økologi, etikk. Tanken er å utnytte de mulighetene som reklame og webformatet gir. Nettdelen av prosjektet skal fungere som en interaktiv plattform. Følg utvikingen her: http://iamnature.moonfruit.com/ (veldig uferdig).

Mitt fokus er å finne nye innfallsvinkler og metoder til bevisstgjøring og engasjement.

Fra ØKS 2008 ("No chaos"-sirkelen på frontveggen er fra 07)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Polwigle - the "Change Engine" - new url!

The web site for the "change engine" has got a new url: Polwigle [polwigle : pol "head"; poll + wiglen, to wiggle] It's the middle English version of "Polliwog" - a frog..

Visit polwigle - and share your opinion!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mobilizing Change - Poster & web project

The purpose of this project is to collect real - or reality-based data (at least: that's what I hope!) - in order to promote change.

This poster & web project is still in the early planning stages - and the most helpful now is your feedback. The image above links to the web page!



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Change of tactic

- to play better..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

To benefit a million trees

Just an idea:
Art - and the impact of file sharing ----

To benefit a million trees
- is inspired by following this blog and the Rainforest Fondation Norway's micro blogging on Twitter.

"The world's remaining rainforests are the battlefield for the most serious environmental problems of our time: the irreversible loss of biodiversity, and the threat of global warming. The rainforest contains more than half of the world's plant and animal species. Moreover, the destruction of rainforests accounts for one fifth of global emissions of greenhouse gases."

The idea is simple: free art / file sharing. The user can contribute an amount of their own choice, to - in this case: "save a tree".

This is about making art available to everyone - and at the same time give people a possibility to contribute in saving the rainforest. It's a win-win situation, isn't it?

I'm inviting you to take part in, and affect the progress of this idea - through this blogspot, or through the Twitter profile artprogress.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Follow 'Change As Challenge' on Twitter

Follow Change As Challenge on Twitter!

Send a twit to @artprogress -
A twit is a message sent through Twitter - an online / 'micro-blogging' service, that allows you to send short “updates” or “twits” to the Twitter website. A twit can be up to 140 characters long - a little 'haiku' ..

Here's a presentation on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddO9idmax0o


'Change As Challenge' on Facebook

I've just created a group on Facebook called "Change As Challenge"

Like this blog, the group was created as an extension of the art project - "CHANGE".

I invite you to be a part of the development and progress of the project - which will be exhibited during MOMENTUM 09, at Moss Kunstmuseum!

Feel free to join!

Amina For Change

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Change As Challenge

Change is so pervasive in our lives that it almost defeats description and analysis. One can think of it in a very general way as alteration. But alteration in a thing raises subtle problems. One of the most perplexing is the problem of the consistency of change: how can one thing have incompatible properties and yet remain the same thing? Some have held that change is a consistent process, and rendered so by the existence of time. Others have held that the only way to make sense of change is as an inconsistency..

This blog was created as an extension of the progress of a new art project titled "Change".
It's about Change As Challenge - for art / artists.

How do art apply?

Feel free to follow the progress!
Amina For Change *